Saturday, 16 May 2009

Genes, diseases and treatments

Greek scientists have recently announced the discovery of the gene fosfolamvanis, which is involved in heart failure. What it means for patients to discover genes associated with diseases; opens the way to cure them?

There would be no exaggeration to say that last move in orbit genes: fifty years after the elucidation of the structure of DNA (the material of which genes are made) and only a few days after the announcement of the completion of the human genome (the reading, ie, the entire DNA sequence of humans), is drowned by information on new genes discovered. What does all this but us? And specifically what it means for patients to discover genes associated with diseases; leads the discovery of such genes to treat disease and what should we hope? Following the recent announcement by Greek scientists to discovery of the gene fosfolamvanis, which is involved in heart failure, «To Vima» explains today with seven questions and answers of the possibilities opened by the knowledge of genes to diseases.

1. What is the disease gene?
These genes are neither health nor disease! These DNA segments in the sequence of which contained information on the composition of proteins, molecules that play a variety of significant structural and functional, the roles in the cell. When genes are sound, the proteins synthesized under instructions perform their role. Thus the cell and the organism is healthy. But there are cases where genes have undergone changes (mutations in the language of biology). Then, depending on the type of mutation, the protein or cease to be synthesized or synthesized by the damage which is preventing it from operating. For example, when the gene of beta-hemoglobin is normal, the protein (ie, the beta-hemoglobin) that makes up red blood cells capable of carrying oxygen. A slight mutation in the hemoglobin gene, however, is the cause of the improper composition of the protein and cause of thalassemia. In other words, has prevailed to genes known disease genes whose mutations lead to the emergence of heritable diseases.

2. What then describe the type of news: «The scientists discovered the gene of one disease»;

They describe the discovery of genes whose mutations lead to the emergence of the disease.

3. How important is the discovery of such genes?
It is very important because it allows researchers to deepen the causes of diseases. The understanding at the molecular and cellular level the mechanism by which it caused a disease opens the way for effective intervention. Take for example the recent announcement by Greek scientists at the University of Cincinnati and Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center on the discovery of mutations in the gene fosfolamvanis in a patient with heart failure. Multi experiments on animals had shown that this protein plays a role in the regulation of myocardial contraction is brought with the help of calcium ions. As explained in speaking «Step» Mrs Evangelia Helmets, Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Cincinnati, which has contributed decisively to the clarification of the role of fosfolamvanis, «the elucidation of the mechanism by which the action fosfolamvanis will enable better management of patients with heart failure ».

4. How quickly patients benefit from the discoveries of genes?
The speed with which knowledge of genes associated with disease converted to a benefit for the patient depends on many factors. We have known for many years and the mutation of the gene of hemoglobin which is responsible for thalassemia, but we have not cure the disease. We can however take steps to prevent the occurrence of subsequent generations. Usually the first thing that can happen after the discovery of a gene associated with the occurrence of disease is to develop diagnostic tests for the disease.

5. What is the diagnostic test?
It is a discussion which explores whether the candidate carries the mutation that would render the patient. It should be noted that in contrast to thalassemia, which the symptoms occur very soon after birth, there are hereditary diseases that occur at older ages.

6. Who should use these tests?
A bad family history is the light in which doctors decide if someone needs to take a diagnostic test to detect mutations. In very few cases such tests are routine for much of the population. For example, in our country, that thalassemia is a scourge, an examination of married to determine if they were bodies of disease, as well as the examination of embryos is necessary to prevent births of children with the disease. Criterion for the wide application of the test is the frequency of mutation in the population.

7. Why not have a cure thalassemia because we know the gene that when mutated causes There are other hereditary diseases are treated;

The only way to be cured a hereditary disease would be to replace the mutated gene that causes a standard. Such intervention, which is called gene therapy, it is not easy, as many scientists who attempted to treat a number of hereditary diseases. The biggest success has been achieved to date refers to a disease of the immune system which makes the children suffer from it so vulnerable to infections that may have to live in a sterile environment. A small number of children has been treated with gene therapy, while others had leukemia as a side effect of treatment ... It should however be noted that the ongoing efforts of the scientists on many fronts. The research team succeeded Mrs Helmets to restore the contraction of heart cells in test tube epemvainontas in the fosfolamvanis gene, which is the first step in probably a long way for gene therapy of the disease.

Geneticists have discovered a gene which "block" of the AIDS virus and possibly lead to the deal.

The news was announced 5 days before and on 29 February. The news stated that Stephen Barr and his team from the University of Alberta in Canada, after studies found a gene that is able to block the spread of AIDS virus in the body and disease. The importance of the discovery are enormous, because it may mean the capability to manufacture a vaccine for the virus in the future ...

The professor and his team discovered a gene TRIM22, which has managed to prevent contamination of cell culture in the laboratory from HIV AIDS. It was when the gene in cells, the virus could not be replicated, and also prevented to go and infect other cells. This essentially means that even if an infected cell the virus stops spreading there, and not the rest of body.

In simple words, if researchers manage and develop the technique to be applicable to humans (ie to activate the gene in some way, even pharmaceuticals), then this would mean constructing physical defense against the virus, without the unpleasant side effects drugs or the manufacture of medicines will do the same job without having to be hazardous.

The researchers report that among other things, as many genes as humans have to protect the body from viruses and help to combat them, the gene has a strong preference in dealing with HIV AIDS.

The biggest problem scientists regarding the battle with the AIDS virus for years (and what it prevents than to build a successful vaccine) is that the virus mutate so easily be resistant against medicines made by time. With this gene, essentially found a new weapon that can do the job fighting the virus naturally.

The research scientists went one step further by trying to block the function of this gene in cells. This resulted in the cell to react to the virus but (as usual) the production of interferon, but the reaction was not the slightest effect. What does this mean that practically the gene is certainly a special relationship with HIV and AIDS need to address it. The body from which it seems has an own way to respond to the incursion of the virus. What we think eistimones is to replicate the function and mode of action of the gene TRIM22 with a drug.

Under investigation are open and two other "hot" questions:

"Why if the gene is located in the body of all people, in patients with AIDS is not working?"

And also:

"I can now activate this gene in these patients to take action?"

Search fee and the possibility of dealing and other viruses with the same gene.

Pending developments, therefore, very interesting ...

The findings were published in Public Library of Science Pathogens

Gene discovery opens the way for cigarettes without nicotine

Japanese scientists announced that they isolated a gene, which carries the nicotine from the roots of the tobacco plant leaves, thus opening the way for the creation of cigarettes without nicotine, which is less addictive, but it will remind regular cigarette. The research done by Professor Kazoufoumi Giazaki, molecular biologist, in plants, at the University of Kyoto, which took three years to identify the gene Nt-JAT1, which is the carrier of nicotine.

As stated, according to British newspaper Daily Telegraph, the objective now is to create a cigarette that has always known the taste, but it is much less addictive.

The next step will be to grow tobacco plants that will not have any nicotine in the leaves, but admits that there are still open issues to be resolved, for example, the possibility of blocking the transfer of nicotine in leaves lead to concentration of cells in the roots, which could be toxic to the plant itself.

Japan has a relatively high percentage of smokers, with rates around 40% in men and 13% in women, according to data of 2008. According to government statistics, more than 63,000 people die each year in the country of lung cancer. Professor Giazaki, he is not a smoker, hopes his investigation will try to help people stop smoking. The scientist, in order to finance his experiments, did not rule to require the assistance of Japan Tobacco, the largest Japanese tobacco.

Major new discovery of genes that predispose for severe disease

New chapter opens in history of medicine, as researchers announced the discovery of new genes associated with serious diseases. The new discovery is published in the journal 'Nature' and is expected to pave the way for further research and treatment of genetic test.

Researchers examining the DNA of blood 17,000 people, found that genes contribute to the onset of depression, diabetes, disease of Crohn, rheumatoid arthritis, hypertension and coronary disease.

The research team emphasizes that the discovery of genes that contribute to the emergence of serious diseases research will lead scientists to better understand the mechanism of disease, identify people at risk to develop, and will shortly be able to develop more effective and personalized medicines.

As stated, many of the most common diseases are very complex and depend on genetic and environmental factors in combination with lifestyle.

Scientists said that although in the past had little lights turn to the long dark tunnel of the genome, now turn lights in many parts of the tunnel, in this case half a million lights.

In case 1 diabetes gene discovered several areas that increase the risk of disease. The researchers of the project took part in the recent announcements of the discovery of obesity gene, three new genes linked to diabetes 2 and region of chromosome 9 associated with heart disease.

One of the most important discoveries is that a gene that was previously unknown is common and the emergence of diabetes and 1 in disease Chron, an inflammatory bowel disease, indicating that the two diseases share common biological pathways.

Many of the genes discovered by a team of 200 scientists were in parts of the genome not previously been regarded as potentially linked to illnesses.

In the future could allow people to look for combinations of genes to predict the risk they face in their entire lives to outbreaks of disease, which will lead them to change their lifestyles or be considered timely.

Professor of Statistics, Peter Donnelly, who took part in the investigation, said that the investigation is a new beginning and that researchers have learned more the past 12 months than they had learned the previous 15 years.

Science: Discovery of gene could help treat blindness

LONDON . Scientists have to find a «mutant» gene, which is directly linked to the most common causes of blindness in the developed world, creating hope even for the whole treatment of the disease.

British scientists said that they found six variants of this gene, which they call "Serping 1" and, related to the degeneration caused to spot (eye) - is called "AMD", due to advanced age. As stress characteristics: «The discoveries are helping us to better understand the genetic surrounding the degeneration induced in cells with age, which should lead to new methods of treatment of normal and« limited »disease» underlined Sarah and Andrew Enis higher, from the University of Southampton in the newspaper «Lanset».

The "AMD", which causes damage to sensitive cells of the plume in a region located in the center of the retina, usually develops when a person grows. A proportion of 90% of patients found to suffer from "AMD", is called «dry-version» of the disease, but for which no treatment is not currently available.

The others are the «wet» form, found in minutes Red pots to grow between the retina and the back of the eye. This form of the disease can be treated with modern medicines.

Gene Discovery

A pioneering discovery Italian researchers overturning the scientific view that the sex of the child is determined only by the man.

The Italian scientists discovered a gene-gender and women, which even if the mutation converts male to female fetuses. This will try to do as they say the researchers, in mouse embryos.

Meanwhile, Greek scientists stress that can change sex in animal embryos, however pointed out that it is morally unacceptable that this applied to human embryos.

Gene discovery may help prevent asthma

British scientists discovered a gene that can prevent allergy that triggers the illness and pain especially at this time a large proportion of the world's population.

The gene, named PHF-11, appears to regulate the blood cells that produce antibodies that are directly related to asthma. The discovery of the gene provides a new target for drugs designed to «erase» the immunoglobulin E antibody to prevent asthma.

The gene was discovered in the laboratories of Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics in Oxford by Dr teachers. And Dr Miriam Mofat. William Koukson.

Dr. Koukson said: «The discovery of this gene adds a new dimension to the understanding of asthma and other allergic diseases, but has not yet been fully completed. There are at least ten genes that have a significant impact on a person's susceptibility to asthma and more genes with smaller effects ».

The survey, which lasted more than six years, attended by more doctors and scientists. The survey results were published in the online edition of the scientific form Nature Genetics.

Discovery of genes that increase the risk for skin cancer and hepatitis B

The discovery of a series of genes that are associated with increased risk of skin cancer, hepatitis B and susceptibility to radiation, have three different teams.

Scientists of the Institute for Cancer Research UK under Richard Murray, discovered that up to 70% of fatal cancers of the skin (melanoma) can be fired from a genetic mutation that leads cells to a cancer after exposure to excessive sun. The discovery may lead to more effective future trJustify Fulleatments targeted by drugs, was published in the journal "Cancer Cell" (cancer cells).

British researchers have identified the gene BRAF, from which often starts the chain of genetic changes leading to melanoma. Scientists know for certain gene already, but until now were not sure whether a cause or effect of cancer and is now established that the First case. Although melanoma represents a small percentage of skin cancers, responsible for most deaths.

Another scientific team from the University of Pennsylvania in the U.S. in the Vivian Tseoungk, identified a group of genes, around 1200, that affect how the human body reacts to radiation from the environment, often leading to cancer. According to the researcher is most likely to identify people who are more likely to have serious side effects from radiation exposure and to protect such by reducing the dose of radiation they receive.

Finally, a third scientific team from Japan has identified a number of gene mutations that appear to make people more sensitive towards chronic infection with hepatitis B. The discovery of researchers at the University of Tokyo, under the Giotsiro Kamatani, published in the journal "Nature Genetics .

Approximately 400 million people are suffering from chronic hepatitis B worldwide and 60% of cancers of the liver associated with the contamination. Japanese researchers compared the genes of patients with hepatitis B, people who do not have the infection and were able to identify 11 genetic mutations in a region containing the genes HLA-DPA1 and HLA-DPB1.

Although not the only cause of the hepatitis B infection, genetic factors seem to play an important role. The Japanese researchers hope the findings will assist in new drug therapies.

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Astana: Armstrong custody and Leipheimer

The Astana team has selected a very international custody around Americans Lance Armstrong and Levi Leipheimer for the Giro, which starts Saturday in Venice.

Six countries (Slovenia, United States, Switzerland, Spain, Ukraine and Kazakhstan) are represented in the group surrounding Armstrong, seven times winner of the Tour but neophyte of the Giro, and his compatriot, who won this season of the Tour of California and Tour de Castile and Leon.

Chris Horner, the third American this, the duo participated last week in the Tour de Gila, a small national race in New Mexico before Leipheimer won by Armstrong.

The Spaniard Jose Luis Rubiera and Ukrainian Yaroslav Popovych, two members of the team of Armstrong when the Texan was the undisputed leader of his training (Discovery Channel) before the first stop of his career in 2005, are also in Giro team.

Last year, Leipheimer took the 18th place in the Giro.

Team Astana at the Giro:

Lance Armstrong (USA), Jani Brajkovic (SLO), Chris Horner (USA), Levi Leipheimer (USA), Steve Morabito (SUI), Daniel Navarro (ESP), Yaroslav Popovych (UKR) José Luis Rubiera (ESP), Andrey Zeits (KAZ)

Ontario is increasing its support for the innovative economy

The Partnerships Fund for the entertainment industry and the creation of Ontario is extended for four years.

Ontario continues to support economic growth in innovative renewing the Partnership Fund for the entertainment and through the creation of an investment of $ 12 million for next four years. The announcement was made today by the Honorable Aileen Carroll, Minister of Culture, in her speech to the Economic Club of Canada.

The Partnerships Fund for the entertainment industry and the Creation was established in 2006 with a budget of $ 7.5 million over three years. Its mission is to stimulate the growth of industries entertainment and creative in promoting capacity building, marketing, innovation and vocational training. Society development of the media industry in Ontario (OMDC) co-manages the fund in partnership with the Ministry of Culture.

Here are two examples of creative business hubs supported by this fund partnerships:
The Canadian International Festival Hot Docs film has expanded its global reach in 2008 through its Doc Shop. This service Doc Shop is a digital commerce server, through the Hot Docs festival (30 April - 10 May), allows delegates to have access on request to a library that contains over 1 500 documentaries from Canada and international. During the festival, Doc Shop strengthens the opportunity for buyers to view and acquire new Documentary Ontario. Doc Shop this service also works all year as a site of international trade for online buyers and
Documentary Distributors.

Niagara Interactive Media Generator - ngen or for short - is a incubator for new media in the Niagara region. Brock Partners University, Niagara College, Interactive Ontario, Silicon Knights, the Niagara Enterprise Agency, services and economic development tourist Ste. Catherine and Development CorporationEconomic Niagara have been working on two projects: the project "noiseinniagara" which is a website promoting the Niagara music scene and a set interactive education on the War of 1812. A tool for attracting investment is also underway. Last year, Microsoft ngen and were partners in a project to allow businesses to new media access to software worth several tens thousand dollars.

The next series of partnerships the fund will be launched at the end of May with the organization of information sessions that will in June, and the adoption of a deadline set for applications to 23 September.

"The industry of the establishment of Ontario contributes not only to the modern economy of the province, but also a potential growth exponentially and the ability to create jobs for the future. By supporting innovation, research and development, we are helping Ontario to be
competitive and succeed in the global market for entertainment and media, a market that brings. "

- Aileen Carroll, Minister of Culture
"The Ontario government understands the huge advantage in terms of competitiveness, the industries that we offer in the context of the global knowledge economy where intellectual property is characterized by significant challenges. The fund is a resource partnerships valuable that unites industry partners, universities and Government in the common goal to create and promote cultural products that Ontario offers on international markets. "

- Kevin Shea, Chair of the Board of Directors of the OMDC
"We are pleased that this program will continue to encourage the type of innovative projects and cross that can allow companies in Ontario to be competitive on the international scene. Since it was established three years ago, the Partnerships Fund entertainment industry and the creation supported 43 projects involving 285 partners and amounting to 15.9 million dollars. "

- Karen Thorne-Stone, CEO of OMDC

"We are delighted to have taken this crucial step that allows us to providing services and strengthen our role as a key market the international documentary industry. Telefilm Canada, and the OMDC all our partners deserve to be congratulated for their vision vision and dedication to this project unique. " - Chris McDonald, CEO, Hot Docs


- Since its early years, the fund partnerships has contributed to success of several major projects including the project Magazines Digital Discovery Canada, a project that supports the creation and hosting online delivery of digital magazines Canadian and draft Spotlight on China, a project that permit the arrival of 28 Chinese music directors of leading Otario, a mission that has enabled them to discover and explore business opportunities with companies in the Ontario
Canadian Music Week.

- With some 276 000 jobs in 2008, the Entertainment and the creation of Ontario is the third in America North, behind California and New York. It is at the forefront of provinces for the film and television production, book and magazine publishing, and sound recording.

- Ontario represents 40% of Canada's cultural GDP.

- According to estimates, the sector's contribution to the creation of Ontario is at least $ 7 billion in contributions direct cultural sector. If we include a wider range cultural contributions, the figure reaches 12.2 billion dollars.

- During the last decade, the entertainment and the creation of Ontario has created more than 80 000 jobs in the province - an increase of 40 per 100 compared to 17 p. 100 for the general economy of Ontario.

- According to estimates, the global entertainment and media accounted for over 1.5 trillion dollars last year.

Informatica offers a certified integration with the platform archiving content Hitachi

The integration of advanced solutions for archiving and storage helps businesses comply cheaply regulations become more stringent in terms of data retention

Informatica Corporation (NASDAQ: INFA), the first independent provider of solutions and services for data integration, announces that its solution Data Archive, recently acquired with the acquisition of Applimation has been certified for use with the platform archiving content Hitachi Content Archive Platform. Through this integration, Informatica and Hitachi to provide customers an economical solution to archive, store and retrieve their critical information.

"While the data have never been as important, companies are grappling with declining budgets," said Adam Wilson, General Manager, ILM, Informatica. "The increase in transaction volumes and a growing demand for conservation of data have led to escalating costs of equipment, databases and packaged applications. Today more than ever, companies are turning to archiving of data to align the costs of management and functionality of their IT infrastructure on the actual value of information ".

Informatica Data Archive provides a wide range of features allowing companies to manage the lifecycle of data, data archiving until applications. This solution integrates the most comprehensive set of functions to accelerate and automate the storage of packaged applications (or software). The solution provides a ready to use for hundreds of application modules SAP, Oracle, PeopleSoft and Siebel. It also supports custom applications developed using major RDBMS market applications and mainframe systems.

Hitachi Content Archive Platform provides an 'active archive' - ie an online store for unique, search and retrieve multiple types of content based on structured data and unstructured. Based on a single SAN architecture (known as SAN Attached Array of Independent Nodes), Hitachi Content Archive Platform capitalizes on the advanced features of storage and archiving software Hitachi to provide high availability and performance and an ability climb over several Petabytes.

Together, Informatica and Hitachi reduce total cost of ownership of applications to economical archiving historical data and ensuring their conformity with features full e-discovery.

The integrated solution provides:
Accelerator ready to use to automate the installation and archiving structured data,
Support for SAP applications, Oracle, PeopleSoft, Siebel and for custom applications and mainframe Recovery of archived information independent of source applications, Consolidation of information structured and unstructured in a retrieval system, single asset and highly scalable.

"More and more companies are facing a growth of data continues. It has become vital for them to not only address the storage problems but also to an application-independent access to a wide range of structured data and unstructured for the purpose of e-discovery and risk management, "says Marc Trimuschat, Senior Director, Global Business Development & Alliances, Hitachi Data Systems. "The integration of Informatica Data Archive with Hitachi Content Archive Platform is by optimizing the archived data and optimize storage space in the archiving system. Together, we give companies the opportunity to manage their application infrastructure by obtaining the best return on investment. "

The scavengers of the crisis of "subprime"

"Over 500 houses are seized every day in California. The subprime crisis enhances the real estate speculators. A charge for them to evict the former owners. "

In California, since the beginning of the year, more than 500 houses are seized every day. In total, 3.6% of all properties are purchased on credit defaults, and entry procedures have been launched for two thirds of elles.Pour be aware in advance of all the bargains , speculators subscribe to specialized websites, which have become their main working tool. One of the most famous (Radar seizures ") was created by Sean O'Toole, a scientist who won a lot of money on the Internet before retraining in real estate. Today, Mr. O'Toole, quarantine thin and nervous, lives in Discovery Bay, a marina nestled in a delta leading to the bay of San Francisco. Apart from him, a subdivision of 550 homes, completed in 2007, already has 77 homeowners in default. "

Source: Le Monde, The scavengers of the crisis of "subprime"

We go out of our archives, this excellent article - the date - which denounces seizures and evictions, and denounced speculators. I suggest you read them after reading the two articles on the sad prévisons U.S., and millions of evictions should still be made by banks.

A year later, speculators are caught in this enrenage enfernal because prices have fallen much, and even Brada, they need not to resell their property acquired in 2008, so many new properties before arriving non-stop on the market.

Atlantis successfully captures Hubble Telescope

The U.S. shuttle Atlantis has successfully captured Wednesday Hubble Telescope during a dangerous maneuver at 600 km altitude to repair and modernize the aircraft, which revolutionized the understanding of the universe.

Astronaut Megan McArthur used the robotic arm of Atlantis to grab the telescope at 17h14 GMT, while the two spacecraft were at 560 km altitude over Australia.

"Hubble has come on board," said the captain of Atlantis, Scott Altman, who had managed to bring the shuttle about a meter telescope of 11 tons and about 13 meters long, the size of a bus.

"I would not say it is not difficult," noted in the morning Tony Ceccacci, the main flight director of NASA for the mission, on this delicate maneuver. "These two vehicles traveling over 27,000 kilometers hour. But this has already been done, and we are confident," he said.

Hubble should be fixed on a rotating platform which will serve as a work area to the seven Atlantis astronauts during five space program. The telescope, a collaboration between NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA), was placed in orbit on 25 April 1990 by the shuttle Discovery, and has sent more than 750,000 spectacular images of the confines of the cosmos and millions data, opening a new era in astronomy.

Atlantis was launched Monday from the Kennedy Space Center near Cape Canaveral (Florida) for the fifth and final mission to Hubble, which should prolong its existence for at least five years. The first spacewalk to repair Hubble should begin on Thursday at 12:16 GMT. It will bring together the astronomer John Grunsfeld, 50, who makes his third trip to Hubble and Drew Feustel geologist, 43 years old, a novice in the area.

The mission of 11 days of the shuttle is much more risky that a flight to the International Space Station (ISS), notably because of the increased danger of a collision with a micro-meteorite or space debris in orbit high Hubble. NASA estimates the risk of collision with debris a chance on 221 when the flight against nearly one in 300 for the ISS.

In addition, Atlantis is too far from the ISS to come and moor in the event of a problem, because the telescope is moving at an altitude nearly two times higher than the ISS (350 km). An emergency shuttle, Endeavor, has been exceptionally placed on another the shooting of Kennedy Center, ready to be launched in emergency with a crew of four astronauts for a rescue mission.

Minor damage
A dozen trips to the shuttle to the ISS have been conducted by NASA since the disintegration of the shuttle Columbia in 2003 during his re-entry, but none to Hubble. This tragedy that killed seven astronauts, was due to undetected damage on the heat shield that had occurred at the time of launch.

During an inspection of ten hours Tuesday with cameras on the wings and the underside of the shuttle, astronauts have found a series of notches on the thermal protection tiles on the right wing. The damage was described as "minor" by officials of the mission of NASA, which will however continue their assessments.

Jamestown, Williamsburg and Yorktown at the heart of the history of the United States

Canada was born on 3 July 1608 in Quebec. We have celebrated it last year. A year earlier, on 26 April 1607, three English ships reached the shores of American land to establish the first British colony in the New World. This group of 105 entrepreneurs from the Virginia Company of London and 39 crew members would begin construction on that day, a fort that would take the name of Jamestown, in honor of the King of England. The small river passing nearby would also be called James River. And the whole region would be named Virginia ... the name of the London company which financed the trip.

Four centuries later, tens of thousands of Americans visit the historic site of Jamestown. Queen Elizabeth herself went there in 2007 to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the erection of the first British colony in America.

Jamestown is part of the "Historic Triangle" U.S.. The other two points of this triangle is Williamsburg, which was to succeed in Jamestown as the capital of Virginia, and Yorktown, where in October 1781, the Marquis de La Fayette and his fighters in 1200 won a historic victory over British troops, that victory was devote the independence of the United States a few months later. This day was to become, for American poets, that when the world found itself upside down .

It is in this triangle that historic beginning of April, The Sun was invited to accompany a group of women graduating from universities in the region of Quebec. "This is a cultural journey. We are not going there to shop, "said the leader of the trip, Dr. Suzanne Lemire. And nobody had time to shop between 2 and 7 April. The agenda was very busy. Lever to bed around 7am and 22h.

We visited the beautiful village of Intercourse, where the Amish live, through Pennsylvania, the beautiful botanical garden and the Norfolk naval base of the same name, the largest in the world, Virginia. Then, in return, the magnificent home of Monticello, the estate that Thomas Jefferson was built near Charlotteville, Virginia. Another stop was planned at the fabulous museum of Sterling and Francine Clark, heirs to the Singer family.

It is regrettable that the historic triangle of Virginia is completely ignored snowbirds who go back to Florida. It would be insufficient for a little detour of a few kilometers to discover treasures.

Jamestown, the city no longer exists, but you will find, instead, a wonderful museum that tells the story of the discovery of America. A triple woven tight history with whites on the one hand, red skin and other blacks who would develop the Virginia and southern United States as slaves. This museum has long adjacent to three other attractions: a fully refurbished Indian village, a fort built in the same manner as those made at the time, ie with a high wall surrounding a few piles buildings, and a port where the replicas of three ships used to transport British merchants, the Susan Constant, the Godspeed and the Discovery can be visited. In fact, boats are docked at about the same place where they dropped anchor 402 years ago.

If Jamestown is the hometown of James, Williamsburg is the town of William. Williamsburg was born a few years after Jamestown, around 1674. Its brick church was built in 1683. Ten years later, the College of William and Mary received its royal charter of King William and Queen Mary, making it the second oldest U.S. university after Harvard. The college is still in the middle of Williamsburg.

Williamsburg has lived and survived through the three C's: Church, College and Capitol. We just mention the first two. The third C is the Capitol. When the Statehouse or the State House which was built at Jamestown burned in 1698, in Williamsburg is that we built a new Capitol. Thus was to begin forfeiture of Jamestown and the birth of Williamsburg. It was in Williamsburg that Americans proclaimed the first declaration of human rights (12 June 1776).

Williamsburg is a bit like a city rebuilt around the church, college and the Capitol. The college - the university, in fact - is still popular. A few dozen homes have been moved into the main streets, while others have been restored. The complex, which has roughly the dimensions of the university city of Quebec, has an undeniable historical perspective. The people (except students) are dressed as at the time and only the horse movement is allowed in the main streets. It takes at least two days to visit Williamsburg and Jamestown for a day. There are hotels everywhere. There are houses at low cost.

We do not go to Yorktown, the third edge of the historic triangle. The organization has preferred a visit to the largest naval base in the world, of Norfolk, and especially its vast and extraordinary botanical garden.

But what happened at Yorktown in October 1781? While the British General Charles Cornwallis fought the Carolina continental forces, General George Washington was in New York and New Jersey to fight other British forces supported by German auxiliaries. British and American independence finally met halfway, at Yorktown, and Washington won the battle. But fortunately that the French army under the command of the Marquis de La Fayette, was on hand to give him the victory. The victory at Yorktown was decisive but not final. The war should not stop at the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1783.

This treaty ended the American War of Independence. By this treaty, Britain recognized the independence of its 13 settlements and grants the territory to the Mississippi. We look as the province of Quebec has lost the southern part of the Great Lakes it was obtained by the Quebec Act of 1774. Montreal merchants, who had comptoirs trafficking in the region, had to evacuate within two years after the treaty. The border issue was completely resolved. We had agreed to cross the border as we can see today, in the middle of the Great Lakes, Lake Michigan is entirely in the United States. However, west of Lake Superior and between Quebec, New Brunswick and Maine, the matter will be settled later.

Yorktown also deserves a visit one day. The magnificent monument of Victory is on its own three beautiful stars. Some residences in the town of Yorktown will make widening of the eyes. Nelson House is without doubt the most impressive.

In short, the next time you pass by there to go to Miami or Fort Lauderdale, take the time you stop a day or two. You will not regret it. Do not go out this summer. It's too hot and there are too many visitors. Go in the fall or spring. Off season, room rates are more affordable hotels, motels, inns and bed & breakfasts.

It even happens occasionally, we accept Canadian money at par. Inform yourself!

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

We go for a Tour

The Tour of Italy rises in Venice on Saturday, their first one against the clock. A Giro marked by the presence of Lance Armstrong, who is the race for the first time in his career. The U.S. does not win, but to fine-tune its preparation for the Tour de France. The point on the full forces.

LPR: Di Luca and Petacchi peak. The LPR team will present its two peaks, Italian Danilo Di Luca and Alessandro Petacchi in the Giro d'Italia which starts Saturday in Venice. "We are proud to be part of the Centennial Giro," said Fabio Bordonali, the head of the Italian training, presenting on Tuesday its group. Petacchi has 19 stage success to his name when taking into account the 5 that were removed for his positive test in 2007. Di Luca, for its part, won the Giro in 2007 .

The LPR team at the Giro:
Gabriele Bosisio (ITA), Riccardo Chiarini (ITA), Danilo Di Luca (ITA), Giairo Ermeti (ITA), Jure Golcer (SLO), Montaguti Matteo (ITA), Daniele Pietropolli (ITA), Alessandro Petacchi (ITA), Alessandro SPEZIALETT (ITA).

Lampre: a team one hundred per cent Italian. The Lampre team will bring a Saturday in the Giro a hundred percent with Italian Damiano Cunego for figurehead. The winner of the 2004 Giro will be at his side Marzio Bruseghin third of the race last year. In the group with a mean age of 29 is a beginning, Mauro Da Dalto. The only "foreign" of training is one of the team managers, the South African Brett Copeland.

The Lampre team at the Giro:
Matteo Bono (ITA), Marzio Bruseghin (ITA), Pietro Caucchioli (ITA), Damiano Cunego (ITA), Mauro Da Dalto (ITA) Enrico Gasparotto (ITA), Marco Marzano (ITA), Manuele Mori (ITA), Paolo Tiralongo (ITA). Substitutes: Francesco Gavazzi (ITA) and Massimiliano Mori (ITA).

Astana: Armstrong custody and Leipheimer. The Astana team has selected a very international custody around Americans Lance Armstrong and Levi Leipheimer for the Giro, which starts Saturday in Venice. Six countries (Slovenia, United States, Switzerland, Spain, Ukraine and Kazakhstan) are represented in the group surrounding Armstrong, seven times winner of the Tour but neophyte of the Giro, and his compatriot, who won this season of the Tour of California and Tour de Castile and Leon. Chris Horner, the third American this, the duo participated last week in the Tour de Gila, a small national race in New Mexico before Leipheimer won by Armstrong. The Spaniard Jose Luis Rubiera and Ukrainian Yaroslav Popovych, two members of the team of Armstrong when the Texan was the undisputed leader of his training (Discovery Channel) before the first stop of his career in 2005, are also in Giro team. Last year, Leipheimer took the 18th place in the Giro.

Team Astana at the Giro:
Lance Armstrong (USA), Jani Brajkovic (SLO), Chris Horner (USA), Levi Leipheimer (USA), Steve Morabito (SUI), Daniel Navarro (ESP), Yaroslav Popovych (UKR) José Luis Rubiera (ESP), Andrey Zeits (KAZ)

Silence around Gilbert. Belgian Philippe Gilbert, subscriber to places of honor in the spring classics, led the team Silence in the Giro (May 9 to 31). The rider wallon ranked third in April's Tour of Flanders and fourth in the Amstel Gold Race and Liege-Bastogne-Liège.

The team Silence in the Giro:
Christophe Brandt (BEL), Francis De Greef (BEL), Bart Dockx (BEL), Philippe Gilbert (BEL), Pieter Jacobs (BEL), Olivier Kaisen (BEL), Jonas Ljungblad (SWE), Jelle Vanendert (BEL), Charles Wegelius (GBR)

Rabobank with Menchov. The Rabobank team is at the start of the Giro, Saturday in Venice, with Russian Denis Menchov to lead. Menchov, twice winner of the Vuelta (2005 and 2007), ranked fifth last year's Tour of Italy.

The Rabobank team at the Giro
Mauricio Ardila (COL), Laurens ten Dam (NED), Jos van Emden (NED), Bram de Groot (NED), Pedro Horrillo (ESP), Dmitriy Kozontchuk (RUS), Denis Menchov (RUS), Tom Stamsnijder (NED) Pieter Weening (NED)

Cavendish chased. Already winner of two stages last year, Britain's Mark Cavendish back in hunting, next Saturday in the Giro, the head of the American team Columbia. For support, the rider from the Isle of Man (23 years) may count on the Australian Mark Renshaw, his pilot fish in the sprints. The Norwegian Edvald Boasson Hagen, who won last month in Ghent-Wevelgem, is part of the team as the Italian Marco Pinotti, holder of the pink jersey for four days during the 2007 Giro, and the Swede Thomas Lövkvist.

The Columbia team at the Giro:
Michael Barry (CAN), Edvald Boasson Hagen (NOR), Mark Cavendish (GBR), Thomas Lövkvist (SWE), Marco Pinotti (ITA), Morris Possoni (ITA), Mark Renshaw (AUS), Michael Rogers (AUS), Kanstantsin SIUTSOU (BLR)

Katusha without McEwen. Australian Robbie McEwen will be lacking in the Russian team Katusha, which will take the Giro, from Saturday, with Italian Filippo Pozzato to lead. "Robbie has not yet recovered completely from the fall of the GP de l'Escaut. We can not take the risk of
lose in the early stages. He will rest and prepare for the Tour de France, "said sports director of the Russian team, Serge Parsani.

The team Katusha in Giro:
Filippo Pozzato (ITA), Evgeni Petrov (RUS), Christian Pfannberger (AUT), Ben Swift (GBR), Mikhail Ignatyev (RUS), Pavel Brutt (RUS), Serguei Klimov (RUS) Nikita Eskov (RUS), Luca Mazzanti (ITA).

Quick Step put on youth. The Quick Step team put on youth in the next Giro d'Italia (May 9 to 31) with the Kevin Seeldraeyers and Belgians Dries Devenyns. Besides Seeldraeyers, for in Paris-Nice, and Devenyns, noticed in the Ardennes classics, is the Italian Dario Cataldo, winner of the Tour of Italy hopes in 2006. "We have a young team, ready to attack," said sporting director Luca Guercilena say that the average age of his group at 26 years.

The Quick Step team at the Giro:
Dario Cataldo (ITA), Allan Davis (AUS), Dries Devenyns (BEL), Addy Engels (NED), Mauro Facci (ITA), Kevin Hulsmans (BEL), David Malacarne (ITA), Francesco Reda (ITA), Kevin Seeldraeyers (BEL)

Fuji Kessiakoff revelation. The Swede Fredrik Kessiakoff, one of the revelations of the early season, will compete under the colors of the team Fuji's first grand tour at the Giro which soars Saturday from Venice. Former rider (3rd World Championship cross-country in 2006), the Swede who will celebrate his 29th birthday during the Giro was reported in the Tour de Romandie last week, taking fourth place in the mountain stage and the ninth place in the final. Fuji, the heir to the training Saunier Duval who had left the Grand Boucle last year after the doping case involving the leader (Ricco), was aligned to the Tour in 2009 but finally accepted at the Giro.

The team at the Giro Fuji
Fredrik Kessiakoff (SWE), Eros Capecchi (ITA), Ricardo Serrano (ESP), Iker Camano (ESP), Jesus del Nero (ESP), Lithua Angel Gomez (ESP), Alberto Fernandez de la Puebla (ESP), Hector Gonzalez ( ESP), Davide Vigano (ITA). Alternate: JUFRE Josep (ESP).

Bouygues Telecom: Voeckler for leader. Former French champion Thomas Voeckler is the leader in training Bouygues Telecom in the Giro d'Italia which starts next Saturday in Venice against a time-trial team. Winner early in the season of the Etoile de Bessèges and the Tour du Haut-Var, the Vendéen fell in Paris-Nice (broken collarbone) and the competition resumed in early April. Voeckler, who is 29 years, has already raced the Giro twice. In 2001, he was the only rider to win his training at the finish, after the theft of bikes of the last survivors to approach the final day. In 2007, the former yellow jersey of the Tour de France (2004) had dropped from the 8th stage after falling twice in the first days. The Swiss climber Johann Tschopp and Russian Evegeny Sokolov is also in the team like the French Saïd Haddou, winner of the Tro Bro Leon last month.

The Bouygues Telecom team at the Giro:
Belgy Julien (FRA), Steve Chainel (FRA), Yohann Gene (FRA), Saïd Haddou (FRA), Guillaume Le Floch (FRA), Evgeny Sokolov (RUS), Matthieu Sprick (FRA), Johann Tschopp (SUI), Thomas Voeckler (FRA).

AG2R: Valjavec for leader. The Slovenian Tadej Valjavec led the AG2R team in the Centennial Giro, which starts next Saturday in Venice. The ambition is to place a rider in the top ten and win at least one step, "announced the French band led by Vincent Lavenu. Ninth of the last Tour de France (after the decommissioning of the Austrian Bernhard Kohl), is Valjavec already entered the top ten of the Giro in the past (9th in 2004).

The AG2R team in the Tour of Italy:
Renaud Dion (FRA), Alexander Efimkin (RUS), Sébastien Hinault (FRA), Yuriy Krivtsov (UKR), Julien Loubet (FRA), Jean-Charles Sénac (FRA), Sonnery Blaise (FRA), Ludovic Turpin (FRA) Tadej Valjavec (SLO). Substitutes: Bonnafond Guillaume (FRA), Nicolas Rousseau (FRA).

Saxo Bank: Cancellara but with Nicki Sörensen. Team Saxo Bank comes at the start of the Giro, May 9 in Venice, with Switzerland's Fabian Cancellara, Olympic champion against the clock, but the Dane Nicki Sörensen, which was originally planned. "Nicki had convinced us recently that they could be included in the team of the Tour de France, said Thursday Bjarne Riis, manager of the Danish training to explain the absence of the champion of Denmark Road. Sörensen will now observe a break in view of the Great Loop which, in the opinion of Riis, it will play an important role, both in the against the clock by teams in the mountains. For the Giro, the Dane was replaced by his compatriot Klasper Klostergaard.

Team Saxo Bank in Giro:
Lars Bak (DEN), Fabian Cancellara (SUI), Juan Jose Haedo (ARG), Matthew Goss (AUS), Kasper Klostergaard (DEN), Anders Lund (DEN), Jason McCartney (USA), Jurgen Van GOOLEN (BEL) Jens Voigt (GER).

Caisse d'Epargne: Rodriguez aims a step. The Spaniard Joaquim Rodriguez, second in Liege-Bastogne-Liege last Sunday, is aimed primarily successful stage in the Giro Centennial (9 to 31 May) on behalf of the team Caisse d'Epargne. The Catalan rider, which is not scheduled for next Tour de France is the leader of the Spanish team, whose composition was announced Wednesday. Three French, Anthony Charteau, Mathieu Perget and promising Jeannesson Arnold, were selected.

The Caisse d'Epargne team at the Giro:
David Arroyo (ESP), Anthony Charteau (FRA), Arnold Jeannesson (FRA), Vasil Kiriyenka (BLR), Pablo Lastras (ESP), David Lopez (ESP), Fran Pérez (ESP), Perget Mathieu (FRA), Joaquim Rodriguez (ESP).

Cervelo: Sastre hopes the podium. Spaniard Carlos Sastre, winner of the Tour de France in 2008, hopes to reach the final podium in the Giro, which will start next May 9 in Venice and ends May 31 in Rome. Sastre has already acceded to the podium in the Tour and the Vuelta (2nd in 2005 and 2007, 3rd in 2008). His training Cervelo, who announced the composition of the group, said to include a successful milestone in the race which rose this year celebrates the centenary of its creation. "We have Simon Gerrans has won a Tour stage last year, has increased its sports director Jean-Paul van Poppel. But we also Philip Deignan and Hayden Roulston as potential stage winners.

Cervelo team at the Giro:
Philip Deignan (IRL), Simon Gerrans (AUS), Volodymir Gustov (UKR), Jeremy Hunt (GBR), Ted King (USA), Ignat Konovalova (LTU), Serge Pauwels (BEL), Hayden Roulston (NZL), Carlos Sastre (ESP). Alternate: Daniel Lloyd (GBR).

Liquigas: Basso and Pellizotti for leaders. Italians Ivan Basso and Franco Pellizotti will be the leaders of the Liquigas team in the next Giro (9 to May 31) announced Monday the formation Italian officialising the package of their compatriot Daniele Bennati. Basso will return for the first time in the Giro since his victory in 2006, shortly before being swept away by the turmoil of the Puerto doping case. The Italian, who joined Liquigas last season, is winning the Giro's centenary, which is the first favorite. Pellizotti fourth year, will be at his side and the team manager Roberto Amadio, has ruled out any problems between them: "These are boys who know how intelligent the Giro is important for our training." "We'll see after the against the clock to Sestri Levante (12th stage) what is whichever has the better chance," said the leader of the team. In group three riders (Agnoli, Miholjevic, SZMYD) will be responsible for assisting in the mountains the two leaders of the group. Liquigas officially package Daniele Bennati, winner of three stages last year but not sufficiently recovered from his fall in March in Tirreno-Adriatico. "Now, the goal is to prepare for the Tour de France stage win," said Amadio on the road-Italian sprinter. Basso is not foreseen in the 2009 Tour.

The Liquigas team at the Giro:
Valerio Agnoli (ITA), Ivan Basso (ITA), Kjell Carlström (FIN), Vladimir Miholjevic (CRO), Franco Pellizotti (ITA), Manuel Quinziato (ITA), Gorazd Stangelj (SLO), Sylwester SZMYD (POL), Alessandro Vanotti (ITA).

Barloworld: Hunter and Soler protected. South African Robert Hunter in the plain and the Colombian Mauricio Soler in the mountains will be protected both riders in the Barloworld team in the next Giro (May 9 to 31). The British team, which announced Monday the composition of his group's departure for Venice, align climber also promising South African John Lee Augustyn, one of the revelations of the Tour de France 2008. Hunter, who won last week from one stage of the Tour of Trentino, has already won a Tour stage. Soler removed the jersey of best climber of the Tour in 2007. Last year, Soler was abandoned in the 11th stage of Tour of Italy between Cesena and Urbania. The Colombian had a small fracture in a wrist after a fall early in the Giro.

Team Barloworld at the Giro:
John Lee Augustyn (RSA), Francesco Bellotti (ITA), Diego Caccia (ITA), Felix Cardenas (COL), Gianpaolo Cheul (ITA), Christopher Froome (GRB), Robert Hunter (RSA), Paolo Longo Borghini (ITA) Mauricio Soler (COL). Alternate: Geraint Thomas (GRB).

Columbia will be the first training run in against the clock by teams opening at 15:35, at the Lido of Venice. The draw, which took place Friday morning, placed Astana (Armstrong, Leipheimer) last.


This Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations as of March 31, 2009 and for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2009 and 2008 should be read in conjunction with the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements and notes thereto set forth in Item 1 of this report.

This quarterly report on Form 10-Q contains forward-looking statements, including our expectations of future industry conditions, strategic plans and forecasts of operational results. Various risks may cause our actual results to differ materially. A description of some of the risks and uncertainties is contained below and in the risk factors referred to in Part II, Item 1A.

Headquartered in Reykjavik, Iceland, DECODE is a bio-pharmaceutical company developing and marketing products to improve the treatment, diagnosis and prevention of common diseases. DECODE applies its discoveries in human genetics to bring to market DA-based reference laboratory tests and consumer genome analysis services to assess individual risk of common diseases and applies its capabilities in chemistry and structural biology to the development of drugs in major therapeutic areas.

In the context of limited financial resources the Company's principal focus continues to be to maximize near-term value creation, utilizing our success in gene discovery to advance the commercial opportunities in our diagnostics and deCODEme (TM) businesses. We are also pursuing partnerships that provide a parallel means of capturing the commercial potential of the intellectual property coming out of our gene discovery work. In April 2009 we entered into non-exclusive, worldwide licensing agreements with Celera, Inc., under which Celera can incorporate our genetic markers for risk of certain cardiovascular and metabolic diseases into Celera's risk assessment tests and services, and for which we have received an upfront payment and will receive royalties on sales of products utilizing our Celera markers. We have been seeking to continue the development of our therapeutics programs through partnerships and have select advanced preclinical programs while employing our drug discovery capabilities to generate service contract revenue.

At March 31, 2009, we had liquid funds available for operating activities (cash and cash equivalents) of $ 6.1 million as compared to $ 3.7 million at December 31, 2008. The net utilization of cash in operating activities for the quarter ended March 31, 2009 was $ 8.2 million as compared to $ 20.0 million during the quarter ended March 31, 2008 and $ 54.5 million during the year ended December 31, 2008. In January 2009, we transferred our Auction Rate Securities (ARS) to an Icelandic financial institution for an aggregate price of approximately $ 11.3 million. This transaction has been accounted for as a secured borrowing. In April 2009 we entered into a licensing deal with Celera Corporation ( "Celera") which provided us with a $ 10.0 million upfront payment. With the collateralized borrowing and the licensing deal with Celera we believe we have sufficient funds to sustain our operations only through the second quarter of 2009. DECODE's management and the Board of Directors are exploring a variety of possibilities for obtaining additional funds, including partnerships similar to that recently announced with Celera. However, if DECODE is unable to raise additional capital through one or more of these options, it will be able to continue operations through the second quarter of 2009 and thereafter may be forced to discontinue its operations and liquidated its remaining assets.

Diagnostics. We are applying our expertise and unique discoveries in human genetics and genotyping to the development of reference laboratory DNA-based tests for assessing individual risk of a growing range of common diseases. Since April 2007 we have launched six reference laboratory DNA-based diagnostic tests to detect single-letter variations in the human genome (called SNPs) that we have linked to increased risk of several common diseases:

* DECODE T2 (TM) - which detects SNPs we discovered to be associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes.

* DECODE AF (TM) - which detects SNPSs we discovered to be associated with increased risk of stroke and atrial Fibrillation

* DECODE MI (TM) - which detects SNPs we discovered to be associated with early-onset heart attack (myocardial infarction, or MI)

* DECODE ProstateCancer (TM) - which detects SNPs we have linked to increased risk of prostate cancer

* DECODE Glaucoma (TM) - which detects SNPs we have linked to increased risk of exfoliation glaucoma

* DECODE BreastCancer (TM) - which detects SNPs we and others have linked to risk of the most common forms of breast cancer

Beginning in 2008, DECODE initiated billing to commercial insurance companies on behalf of physicians ordering these tests and has received reimbursement from several health insurance companies. All of our diagnostic tests are offered by DECODE via direct sales efforts to physicians in the United States, through marketing collaborations with other organizations in the U.S. and other countries, as well as through our dedicated website diagnostics, DECODE also has an alliance with Illumina, Inc. to develop DNA-based diagnostic kits utilizing DECODE's gene discoveries in certain diseases and Illumina's platform for SNP genotyping.

Table of Contents
In April 2009, we entered into non-exclusive, worldwide licensing agreements with Celera, mentioned above, and we are exploring similar opportunities as a pathway to complement our own diagnostics business, commercial deriving additional value from our intellectual property by leveraging third-party marketing and outreach.

deCODEme (TM). In November 2007, we launched the first consumer genetic analysis service: deCODEme (TM). This service takes advantage of DECODE's leadership in human genetics and the capabilities of its high-throughput genotyping laboratory, which is CLIA registered for analytical and clinical validation. Through deCODEme (TM), subscribers can put themselves in the context of the latest discoveries in genetics, learning what their own DNA says about their ancestry and certain physical traits, as well as whether they have genetic variants that have been associated with higher or lower than average risk of a range of common diseases. This information is continually updated as new discoveries are made, and is presented in subscribers' secure individual web pages. Recently, we launched two focused disease scans, deCODEme Cardio (TM) for cardiovascular-related diseases and deCODEme Cancer (TM) for several common types of cancer. These scans offer subscribers an opportunity to understand their risk of groups of diseases that may be of particular interest without ordering the full genome scan. deCODEme (TM) products are offered through a dedicated website,

Drug Discovery and Development. The expertise of our chemistry and structural biology units enables us to discover novel small-molecule therapeutic compounds targeted pathways identified by us or against novel targets identified by us in known pathways, take candidate compounds through pre-clinical testing, and manufacture sufficient quantities for early -stage clinical trials. Our integrated approach to medicinal chemistry and protein crystallography have helped us to discover compounds that bind selectively to our targets and at sites that may offer better safety and tolerability profiles than existing compounds for certain indications. DECODE is actively exploring drug development partnerships and out-licensing opportunities in order to advance the development of its therapeutics programs.

Our lead drug development programs include:
* DG041 for the prevention of arterial thrombosis. DG041 is our novel, first-in-class antagonist of the EP3 receptor for Prostaglandins E2, which we are developing as a next-generation oral anti-platelet therapy aimed at preventing arterial thrombosis without increasing bleeding risk.

* DG051 and DG031 for the prevention of heart attack. We have completed Phase I and Phase IIa clinical studies for DG051, our leukotriene A4 hydrolase (LTA4H) inhibitor being developed for the prevention of heart attack. We successfully completed our reformulation of DG031, our Phase III 5-lipoxygenase activating protein (FLAP) inhibitor, in-licensed from a third party and which is also being developed for the prevention of heart attack.

* DG071 for Alzheimer's and other cognitive disorders. In October 2008 we filed an investigational new drug (IND) application for DG071, a novel small-molecule modulator of phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4), being developed for Alzheimer's and other cognitive disorders.

For our most significant research and development programs we have cumulatively invested $ 47.5 million, $ 24.5 million and $ 16.0 million in our heart attack (myocardial infarction, or MI), arterial thrombosis and stroke programs, respectively, from the beginning of 2003 to date (March 31 , 2009). Inception to-date costs are not available as these costs were not historically tracked by program.

Contract genotyping services
At our research facility in Reykjavik, we have one of the largest and most advanced genotyping laboratory in the world. We have extensive expertise in microsatellite genotyping and also conduct genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) association analyzes. We utilize these capabilities for both in-house gene discovery work and contract genotyping services to fee paying customers. We have in place efficient, automated systems for all stages of the genotyping process, from DNA isolation and amplification to plate preparation and the generation, storage and analysis of volumes of genotypic data. Our customers for genotyping services include pharmaceutical companies, research consortia and academic institutions. Our reference laboratory is Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act of 1998 as amended (CLIA) registered.

Drug discovery and development services
In order to offset the cost of maintaining its proprietary drug development infrastructure, DECODE utilizes its capabilities in chemistry, structural biology and clinical trials to offer contract services to fee-paying customers, principally pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies.

* Our chemistry subsidiary, DECODE chemistry, Inc., based in Woodridge, Illinois, provides a full range of drug discovery technology and services using multiple integrated high-throughput technologies to streamline the drug discovery process.

Table of Contents
* Our structural biology subsidiary, DECODE biostructures, Inc., based in Bainbridge Island, near Seattle, determines three-dimensional X-ray crystal structures of target proteins for structure-based drug design and development.

* Our proteomics tools subsidiary, Emerald Biosystems, Inc., based in Bainbridge Island, commercializes a series of instruments, consumables and software products for structural proteomics research.

Results of Operations for the Three-Month Periods Ended March 31, 2009 and 2008

Range Rover / Discovery 4 - Fitness for big arms

The design center of Gaydon, near Birmingham, has just three models restyle its flagship Range Rover, Range Rover Sport and Discovery, which becomes Discovery 4. All three are expected for the month of September in Switzerland.

In addition to style changes, these 4 × 4 moving mechanically. They inherit especially new Jaguar engines, the V6 biturbo 3l diesel and V8 petrol 5 l. V8 turbo still in the program.

Compared with the old 2.7-l, 3 l turbo sees its power increase to 240 hp for a maximum torque of 600 Nm The consumer ought to decline by 9% to 9.3 to l 100 km under the hood of Discovery 4. Reserved for the Range and Range Sport V8 receives gasoline direct injection and delivers 385 hp and 515 Nm or 510 hp and 625 Nm when the compressor is topped Vortex sixth generation.

The V8 also show a better performance than their predecessors. Land Rover announced 7% savings at the pump, an average consumption of 14.9 l/100 km for the Range Rover of 385 hp.

The Range remains of one of the heaviest vehicles in production. Less popular in our country as the Range Rover, the Discovery is attractive mainly for offroad enthusiasts. It can also accommodate seven people.

The many improvements to the three models should result in a rate increase, but prices are still unknown.

Football on TV: "Mourinho disagreeable as my ex-wife, Cassano called by Lippi but spot, Biscardi and plaggeria

Every Monday we offer a press review of best and worst of the weekend saw football on TV. Antonio Dipollina for Republic ->
1 - How it should be, at this stage Ancelotti is eating direct rival Mourinho also in interviews dopogara (leaving the evolution of the Special as, say, of mouth good). I contorcimenti dialectical and sornioni for Ancelotti to questions about his future coach is high level, on Sky yesterday looked like a player of another era, such as English school of acting.

2 - Continue to give the impression radio spot in which Marcello Lippi lends his voice to combat the trade in fake and counterfeit products. And to make the idea of training a law demanding that National would result if there were Grattuso, Zambrutta, Ask or Pirlotta. The point is that there is burglary, convened only on this occasion.

3 - Really Special Red card the night Saturday on Sky. As usual, at the end of advance we could move on Max Cinema Channel to continue in the evening, that the occasion had the evocative title Viva la Fenech. To reiterate the predilections etc. etc. namely football and Fenech.

4 - 'Mourinho, six antipatico almost like my ex-wife "(Banner of supporters Juventini). "We recall that the disputed incident took place at normal speed" (Carlo Longhi, 90th division, Raitre). "Paolo Maldini has been found positive to chicken soup" (Gene Gnocchi, Sky). "Today in San Siro, the temperature is humid as the back of a seal" (Carlo Pellegatti, Italia 1). "Here in Turin on canvas system of protection is equal to that of Stamford Bridge: and I would say that this is the only point in common between Turin and Chelsea." (Massimiliano Nebuloni, Sky).

5 - Antonio Conte: "My future? I am very Catholic and I say: God sees and provides. Mario Mattioli: "So next year remains to Bari?" (90 ° B, Raitre). 'Embarrassment in Federcalcio yesterday came to a wrong fax Lippi with summonses for Reggio Calabria "(Gene Gnocchi, Sky).

6 - Massimo Mauro, "Gasperini, ve been doing the test?". Gasperini: "Maybe." Luca Bottura for Il Corriere della Sera ->
1 - AMARO EIGHTEEN - "La Juve can achieve if Inter wins all the ... well ... 3 × 5 is 18, right?".
2 - THE LAST PLAGE - "I have a 'fan of Napoli, and I do not say to plaggeria".
3 - THE MAXIMUM VADO - Massimo D'Alema reveal the secret behind his victory in the race "for Roma": "It is a life that frego thanks to all currents."
4 - Onna ZERO - Beautiful act of Berlusconi, who on the occasion of April 25 was presented to Onna along with some veterans of the Second World War: the defenders of Milan.
5 - THE SALO of vanity - Abbiati also takes place on the feast of liberation: "We must also remember those who fought on the wrong side, such as partisans."
6 - PUBLIC SERVICES - 'I wanted to say something important: Carlo Longhi became grandfather to two days in Geneva. This means that it is news, the most beautiful day.

LISTENING - Very good on Raidue program Simona Ventura Quelli che il calcio ... and that has totaled 2 million 647 thousand viewers and a share of 17.12. Stadium sprint at 17.10 is seen by 1 million 627 thousand and 11 .45, 18.30 ninetieth minute 2 million 698 thousand and 16.94. Su Rete 4 Controcampo, broadcasted from 22:28, totaled one million 332 thousand viewers and 9.44 per cent share. RaiDue competitor on the Sunday sports broadcast from 22:35, has produced one million 223 thousand viewers and 9.03 per cent share. Channels on Sky Sports and Football, between 15 and 16.50, the matches of the day 33esima Serie A have gathered an audience rating of one million 214 thousand in total viewers, with a share of 7.4 percent (2 million 30 thousand contacts only). On average 345 thousand spectators followed Diretta Gol, on Sky SuperCalc. The most watched match of the afternoon was Reggina-Juventus, broadcast on Sky Sports HD1 and Sky Calcio 1, with 287 thousand average total viewers, while Milan and Palermo, on Sky Calcio 3, received a rating of 212 listening thousand spectators. Highlights also will listen to Lazio-Atalanta, on Sky Calcio 5, with 125 thousand spectators average. In prime time, the postponement Napoli-Inter broadcast from 20.30 on Sky Sports 1, Sky Sport 16:9, Sky Calcio 1 Sky Sports HD1, has obtained an average audience of one million 813 thousand in total viewers and 6.69 for percent share (3 million 166 thousand contacts only). The pre game (broadcast by 20 again on Sky Sports 1, Sky Calcio 1, Sky Sport 16:9 Sky Sport and HD1) was followed by overall average 306 thousand spectators, and the post game (in onda dalle 22.30 alle 23:15 on the same channel) had an average audience of 504 thousand spectators in total. The appointment with Sky Calcio Show, broadcasted on the channels and Sports and Football in High Definition, had, between 14 and 15, an average audience of 112 thousand spectators, and between 17 and 18.30 is the transmission were seen on average from 379 thousand in total viewers.

147 to the April Fair in Finale Emilia: four days of excitement

Low Modena - Cutting the ribbon opening this evening in Piazza Verdi, to the 147th edition of the Fair of April: a weekend with many special guests of a local eye all'associazionismo and one - because it never fails - the beauty of Miss Grand Prix that, with the national selection, the festival will close one of the oldest of the Low.

There are two outstanding names of the show Finale.
Golden Palm goes to Gene Gnocchi, comedian and now ubiquitous character of Italian television, will be responsible for the honor of being the first show-man of the 147th edition, with its spectacle, which will invoke, in piazza Verdi, hundreds of people. And if Friday is the day dedicated to the Notte Bianca and cake to celebrate the thousand years of history, on Saturday proposed a range of events for all tastes. After the celebrations of the liberation, the streets of downtown will be flooded dall'ormai traditional market 'Made in Italy' which, up to 19, will occupy the curious and lovers of shopping.

Duty, then a walk to Piazza Verdi where the Industry Department and the Trade Committee will present the fashion show 'Fashion Finale is'. And to close the tour for the country, has recommended a final stage at the Giardini De Gasperi where you perform the Bolognese Skiantos with their music demenziale el'intramontabile Freak Antoni to the entry.

Sunday will be an opportunity for a mix of sports and alternative sound. To open its doors to the last day of the fair there will think that the street market, for the occasion and the simultaneous presence of the amusement park in Piazza Garibaldi, will be the route between Piazza Baccarini and via Trento Trieste. A Mass will be disputed the 9th trophy sport fishing 'Finalexpo' and the race with prizes for skeet shooting, while the volleyball Castelfranchi tributerà their homage to Donatello Zoboli with the 5th edition of the volleyball tournament. And finally the music from the afternoon with Roger and Onyrica Acoustic Trio, accompanying the passionate presentation of Three in One Gentleman Suite, one of the most Finalesi and already engaged in several tours of Europe.

But everyone now knows that the Fair of April is only the inaugural event of a spring Finale always full of appointments. On 1 May, in fact, all bands of the area will gather at the Giardini De Gasperi to the classical concert, the day after the group Astrofili Discovery, to celebrate the 400 years from the invention of the telescope, offer a journey into the starry sky through 'mobile observatory piazzale Salvatore Purchasing. And before the establishment of the Committee of Honor of the Millennium (due May 15) missed three sporting events: the polisportiva Massese organizes the trophy 1st May, the podistica Finale (May 9) the ninth edition of the walk of the Spring Fair and Finally, the Finale Club and Neroverde the 7th trophy football city Finale which will be matched stand even cooking

Serie A, the final rush. All the races live on SKY

The Serie A back in field for the 34th day of the 2008/09 championship and SKY broadcasts live every match, along with interviews and insights. Sunday in the big football will be introduced, as usual, by Sky Calcio Show, broadcast on Sky Sports 1 starting at 14 and up at 18.30 with the interviews to the protagonists. Ilaria D'Amico, Queen of Sky football, will be joined by Massimo Mauro and Mario Sconce. A follow Gnok Football Show, the new dual appointment Sunday broadcast at 18:30 and at 23:15. Landlord, Gene Gnocchi that, in the company of professionals, opinion leaders, experts, will surprise visitors to relive the Sunday football and reveal all the backstage series A.

Sunday May 3 at 15 in the field: Juventus-Lecce (1 Soccer Channel and Sky Sports HD 1) Fiorentina-Torino (Calcium Channel 2), Catania-Milan (Canale Calcio 3, Sky Sports HD 2 and Sky Sport 16:9 ), Roma-Chievo (Channel 4 Football), Palermo-Cagliari (Calcium Channel 5), Siena-Napoli (Football Channel 6) and Udinese-Atalanta (Sky Sports 1 and Calcium Channel 7).

At 20.00, Alessandro Bonan, Beppe Bergomi and Luca Marchegiani introduce the postponement "Genoa-Sampdoria. At the end of the match after match, with interviews and comments at hot players till 23:15.

The story of the Championship continues to be supported by 2Diretta Gol Serie A2, accessible by Sky SuperCalc Calcium channels and to watch live the ping pong and images of goals from all areas involved in contemporary art. Again: 2Gol Alert ", which gives the possibility to follow the match the team of the heart, being warned when another field is a goal. Furthermore, it renews the appointment with" Gol Parade ", the so-called" 90 minutes TE2 do: with a simple click on the green button on the remote you can choose few minutes after the end of races - in a screen that matches just ended - the highlights of the match favorite among those in the Italian top flight. Can be accessed by calcium channels and Sky Sports 1.

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Bio-IT World Best Practices Award recognizes critical findings in studies of schizophrenia

The National Center for Resources of the genome (NCGR), with the SAS JMP Genomics pick up more information about the results of his research was published in 2009, Bio-IT World Best Practices Award for the genomics research of schizophrenia . NCGR non-profit research institute for the improvement of human health and nutrition, JMP Genomics offers in its process of downstream analysis pipeline Alpheus for the analysis to the next generation of sequencing data. Alpheus and mines are the imported data from several NCGR Illumina Genome Analyzer, while exports of data in the fields of genomics JMP for further analysis.

"With Illumina, Alpheus and JMP Genomics, we have a key in your hand, view the results, which will then be published," said Faye Schilkey, Associate Director of NCGR of New Mexico Genome Sequencing Center. "We have the samples sequenced Alpheus find most important genes, regions or polymorphisms to look, and then for JMP Genomics at the statistics."

In the next week published SAS JMP Genomics 4.0, the new statistical tools for monitoring the quality, standardization, and the discovery of the vast amount of genomics data. This all-in-one desktop solution dynamically links statistics with graphics enhanced for a full and comprehensive search results.

"With our help, such as NCGR JMP Genomics help analysts high Illumina sequencing data," said Russ Wolfinger, PhD, Scientific Director of the genomics and discovery of the SAS. "The close collaboration between SAS and NCGR helped lead the development of new tools for JMP Genomics 4, is sent to all users. For example, we have a NCGR of the application of the correlation process to cross-contamination associations between the frequencies of variant alleles summaries and freedom of expression."

The award was presented on Tuesday in the Bio-IT World Conference & Expo in Boston. NCGR has been nominated for the price of SAS, which is also in the past year as one of the winners.

NCGR is a non-profit research institute aimed at improving human health and nutrition through genome sequencing and analysis. NCGR CSPro ™ provides DNA sequencing with eight Illumina Genome Analyzer with software and services for the analysis of large sequencing, Alpheus system software.

JMP is a unit of SAS, founded in 1989, an interactive analysis of the discovery for desktop computers. John Sall, SAS co-founder and Executive Vice President, also at the helm of the company JMP.

SAS is the leader in analytical software and services company and the largest independent provider of business intelligence market. SAS 100 percent of Fortune 500 clients in the life sciences. By delivering innovative solutions in an integrated SAS supports customers in more than 45,000 sites improve performance and value-informed decisions are made faster. Since 1976 SAS has customers all over the world the opportunity to know.

Short stories shows that less can really be

I recently participated in the exercise of volumes of short stories, wherever I go. If I were on the metro or tram, with a medical appointment or in the queue for an indefinite period, or simply in the hope that some pages could reject me sleep, I have a story. But when I came with this short invention is ideal for situations such as this, I am increasingly convinced that they are simply perfect. It is possible that the youngest of the author of the article.

Without doubt one of the joyful discovery that I as a professional drive is the only pleasure, short stories. Not that I do not have - a long time I liked the stories by JD Salinger, William Trevor, John Cheever, James Joyce, Annie Proulx, and a few other select - it's just that they will never be the first to go, as fiction, I was looking . Without it, the stupid, I internalized the fact that short stories were in some way a lesser form of the invention expression, a kind of prosaic form of demo recordings in the studio, video films, the repetition of reality, a sketch on the way to a table. They were either in the novels of the embryo, or, as the writer created until they are ready for the real thing.

In this context, the modest and reassured me that I was not alone. Many writers are in the same way. Recently I met in the introduction to an end, is another collection of new messages to the American author Jay McInerney: "It is clear, I was also on the long, and my short stories - some of them at least d - repeatedly shown to be exercises to warming. "

Often, but not always. Sometimes, in the perception of itself and is difficult to continue. "I've always been more than a little intimidated by the new," then confesses McInerney. "Given the fact that even medium-sized and new - and even less the way Henry James describes as a loose baggy monsters - you can survive any number of wrong, boring and key figures from records, the story is much less generous. A good requires a perfect height and direction in exactly the form he has to burn a CD, gem-like flame. "

Take is six clock Do You Know Where You Are? Sample. This was one of McInerney's first attempt to form, and it was the sketch, or "warm-up exercise", which was the author of the first novel of urban yuppie of the 80s missing link Bright Lights, Big City. As a story, the first collection, it is said more than 12 pages in the book more than 200 We are in the forefront of a young, upper-Mobile Sybarite. It is after the end of alcohol and coke, which in the night, and it seems in the twilight flashing Manhattan with a view to another day shivering empty. It May, before the release, but even to us to decide. Everything we know is that his nostrils are suddenly hit seeps through the scent of freshly baked bread, baking and final act - the story at least - that's his jacket, a bag of fresh rolls. "Tear the bag open," are the last lines of history ", and the smell of warm dough is crashing on you. The first bite sticks in the throat and almost gag. They go slow. You have everything to learn again. "

Is it? Or will it just to go home, vomiting bread, the sick and to the awakening in another night of oblivion calculated? We are invited to beat the flame through the history in our pockets for the rest of the story in our own interpretation of what we read. If you ask me, is it six clock morning Do You Know Where You Are? is better than the novel, there was, because it forces me to write what the rest of the story or leave as it is. It calls my imagination as a kind of staff actively involved in the invention. The book tells me what happened, where the history of the recommendations.

McInerney graduated from the University of Syracuse by Raymond Carver and Tobias Wolff, two acknowledged masters of American short fiction, and this is a measure of the persistence of warm-up exercise in the mythology does not explain that these writers have to create him the conviction that the short stories are novels in preparation. Because when it comes to the mastery of form, particularly in the areas of economy, the vision and burning up with a stone similar to the flame, you do not much concentrated heat that Carver, a man may be the whole of the living nature of the shiny formica a kitchen table.

Carver collections like Where I'm Calling From, and what we Talk About When We Talk About Love are the cornerstone for the short history of art for their rough diamonds eloquent economy and accuracy. Perhaps more than at the end of the 20th Century, American writers, the end of the carvers the art of short fiction as an art of omission: that is what was not there that counts at the end, says the report, and it was closing the gap by the absence of suction, we calculated these images in the virtual co-creator of reality, they are limited. As readers, Carver knew how we work, and the pleasure of the effort for the fulfillment of the rooms is one of the largest in the playback of the invention provides.

In the best short film, feature film, the style and vision commingle in a way which is unique in form. This is also a pleasure, the high frequencies. Some years ago I visited with three volumes: The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway, Selected Stories by Alice Munro and stories of Vladimir Nabokov. I set them in rotation, through the reproduction of a story of the author, before they hand in the next book. The effect, as a reader, was a remarkable year. Not only I was able to improve the quality of the stories about himself - and not more than three authors from different unbelievable - I was surprised by the consistency of clay, I've met when I am rotating back into the world of writers . And that's the point: It is a world. Or three really: Munro is a place of tranquility, localized despair; Hemingway a strong limit for the examination of the evidence existential Nabokov Golden Hall of the distortion of the illusion of size and color.

It was the thing: If everyone lived and breathed history and frequented as a separate entity on its own initiative, it also has a rich about life if they believe in the context of other stories the author. It was the vitality of the reasons for the security of the author's voice. What is the novel, one thing a lot of hermetic, offers the promise immersion in another world. This is also true for the best new collection, but the world is something else. It is through the power and the ability of the author's voice, and there is life after the conversation between the voice and the questions remain for us to ask.

Argentex field discovered 12 new mineralized veins at Pinguino, Santa Cruz, Argentina

VANCOUVER- Argentex Mining Corporation is pleased to announce the results of a program of mapping the territory that was recently completed by the geologists of the company at Pinguino. A total of 14 line km veins were found in 12 new structures. The areas were selected for the survey based on a combination of anomalies of multi-element soil geochemistry, IP chargeability, magnetic and soil, and the extension of existing facilities, including Yvonne. One meter resolution Ikonos images was used as a basis for mapping and exploration.

Plotting of the veins on the property now cover a length of 74 km and the mineralization has been demonstrated the depth of drilling in 15 of the 47 sectors. The results of this recent include samples with values up to 2.5 grams per tonne, gold, lead and 10% exceeding 300 g / t silver, respectively.

"On the basis of geological interpretation, mapping and sampling by our team of field, we can now detect subtle expression of the surface successfully Penguin sulphide veins that are not identified by the previous owners," said Ken Hicks, President of Argentex . The first results of our field program in 2009 are very encouraging and has several new targets from which to develop additional mineralization at depth and along strike. We are finishing our first National Instruments 43-101-compliant resource status estimate, which will be the next important step in the development of society. "

Scientists discover genetic defect model to predict the success drug against cancer

A model of genetic defects in tumors may indicate whether the patients with ovarian cancer respond to chemotherapy drugs before starting treatment, a British study shows cancer research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences' today (Monday).

The researchers studied the gene expression patterns that indicate a high level of abnormal chromosomes or chromosomal instability (CIN) in cancer.

They have shown that a subset of these genes are required by CIN tumor cells to survive - and that these cells have higher levels of these genes, making them more resistant to a drug called paclitaxel.

They then sought to determine if it can help doctors determine which patients CIN are more likely to respond to the chemotherapy drugs paclitaxel and carboplatin in a clinical study of patients with ovarian cancer.

Patients with high levels of CIN gene product are more resistant to paclitaxel.

In essence, patients with high levels of CIN responded to carboplatin - another commonly used drug against ovarian cancer.

In contrast, tumors with a low level of CIN were resistant to carboplatin, but responded to paclitaxel.

The researchers believe that clinical trials for the INC - which can be identified by dye stained cells under a microscope - could be available within five years, saving patients from ineffective chemotherapy and lead to personalized treatment.

Lead author Dr Julian downwards, based at Cancer Research UK London Research Institute, said: "Our work suggests that resistance to paclitaxel is motivated by various deficiencies found in tumor cells leading to abnormal cell division cancer. These changes also in May tumors more sensitive to carboplatin treatment. "

Each year in the United Kingdom, more than 6600 cases of ovarian cancer are diagnosed and approximately 4,500 women die of this disease.

Principal co-author Dr James Brenton, headquartered in the United Kingdom, Cancer Research Research Institute of Cambridge and ovarian cancer in clinical Addenbrooke's Hospital, said: "All ovarian cancer patients are treated with carboplatin, but most of those who are more aggressive cancer treated with paclitaxel as well. We do not know which patients will benefit from further paclitaxel, it is very important that we develop tests to better select the right drugs for patients. "

Lead author Dr. Charles Swanton, based at Cancer Research UK London Research Institute and the Royal Marsden Hospital, said: "So far it has been difficult to predict which patients will benefit in May of chemotherapeutic drugs before each treatment. We hope that simple test on the basis of these results will save patients from unnecessary treatment with paclitaxel, which can have severe side effects with limited benefit.

Dr Lesley Walker, director of cancer information at Cancer Research UK, said: "This is an excellent example of how basic science can lead to discoveries that improve the treatment of patients. One of the Cancer Research UK is create the most targeted treatments with fewer side effects, and this is a fundamental step in achieving this - possibly customize the treatment of thousands of people suffering from cancer. "

New discovery of gene

In 1933, Franklin Delano Roosevelt presidency and began work on the huge chaos of a nation, he had inherited. Banks were closed and controls could not be cashed. The unemployment rate reached 25%, and agriculture fell apart. Foreclosure packages have been the country at an alarming rate.

The "New Deal", a set of economic recovery and reform programs, was immediately for the rescue of United States dollars and the people in office. Despite criticism at the time and today, the New Deal and the chance of aid, and has established programs such as Social Security Administration, Housing Authority and the Securities and Exchange Commission, which are still in our government.

Although perhaps not the Great Depression, it continues on a new set of ideals, non-discrimination, including laws, work and equal opportunities for women and minorities. Overall, it is an island rescue for Hanging by a thread-economic, they on the water, while the country the courage to "live as usual."

"In a broad sense, the concept of" New Deal "is a response to economic change, what's happening in our society," Jessie Williams, owner and founder of the clothing stores Edge of Urge said.
ART for a good cause: Jessie Williams from Edge of Urge developed the "New Deal", not only for the community of the hand of art, but to increase funding for Dream Art Center training.

Williams is currently the recycling of the year in a modern concept of the test, remember, Wilmington's nonprofit community, at a time when fiscal policy, in close collaboration fistedness. "People are still under evaluation, which is necessary in their private lives, and new creative methods to get what they want and need," she says. "It is important that in these crazy times, we must not forget about the community around us. If we have all our resources, we are all much better. This figure is power!"

Williams is no stranger to meeting in new opportunities. Edge of Urge opening in 2002 of a collection of his own designs, it has always been at the forefront of fashion. Your company is a combination of personal creations and fashion of the vision of Metro Designer discoveries. "I understand how difficult it is to himself in the market as a creator of man," she says. "I slowly but surely, in every seven years, company has become a springboard for young designers and creative work. I am not a doctor, saving lives every day, but I can my abilities and tools to a difference in peoples' opened new avenues in life. "

Business Outlook and your attention to the collection of funds has led to a version of "New Deal". "I meet every day, the artists want to make a difference in the world. The objective is to allow an outlet for designers to network man and share their art, and in the Community. It is only possible as an effort. Everyone has a chance to make a difference. [The "New Deal"] is an event for the Community in the Community. "

The result is a fund raiser, shows the sensitivity of taxes and innovative projects from 12 different fashionmistahs and fashionistas. "The theme of Fashion Show-utilitarianism and the need for more and more popular. We believe that this leaves much room for interpretation," said Williams. "As designers, we have many things to create, no matter what happens. It is a process of problem solving, and diversity. All work for this show is in response to the" New Deal of the need for a discussion, always fashionable, but the designer who infused each one-of-a-child-room with their own vision and capacity. Some parts are entirely on the resource or to find materials with several options, be taken into consideration. All the comment, which is necessary for fashion. "

When asked about fashion as a contribution to the art, Williams has much to contribute. "I think art is the expression," she says. "When I was little, I do something treasures on earth, which is not for most people. For me, a means of expression. I would like to do something together and small, to wear jewelry or a gift for mom or a friend to wear. Today, I still have a wealth of materials, which may have been neglected or not, for any reason. I like the challenge in the treasures of art and personal expression. Mode ... contains all the means to wear the heart on the sleeve. "

Your sense of recycling treasuress may explain why Williams chose DREAMS Center for Art Education is the case of recipients. DREAMS is a local art house, the mentoring relationship with artists and teachers on children with low incomes. The Center's mission, a "safe harbor" for school students and offers an alternative for fun only at home or hang on the roads. The program has a cause of the closeness and love Williams' heart for a while.

"Dreams of love was to discover years!" She says. "I do not know where I am today if I can not have the opportunity to be, art. I almost missed, but was fortunate to have the hand around me and give me a chance, as me, who I am today.

"I feel really happy for my training, experience and care by the year. I also know that there are still many more children, as is exactly like me who, by their hands, or with music with their bodies, I believe, their Saving Grace. We are very honored to work with dreams. "

The "New Deal" home market will be held May 9, from 1-7pm, at 3709 Oleander Drive in Hanover Haverty center of the old space. Besides the activities in the fields of art, design and other works, music is played by different groups: Thursday of the summer, Jane Beck experience Fayaway, Owl laws more, and the soldier J . minors. Similarly, Dan Brawley's Cucalorus Crew presents a selection of short films Indie. Most importantly, the dreams of teachers, implementation of free movement and conduct workshops for their students market patrons. DREAMS are created works of art at auction, with donations from artists and companies in the city. Includes three nights Soon Head Island.

At 7pm, in a tent donated by L & L Tent Rental, fashion begins at the Independence Mall parking. A performance of Rock Band and Guitar Hero Freezepop lights follow. "I feel Wilmington, should not be on tons and tons of fun, but what is more important for small, who are our future," said Williams.

Keystone launches new online chat feature

  Keystone Property Finance has launched a new online chat feature with the aim od providing brokers with extra support when handling new cl...